Monday 23 March 2020

Coronavirus Ayurveda Medicine

Cow Urine, Ayurveda and Sesame Oil: How Indian Health Authorities Asked Us to Counter Coronavirus

As the disease crossed borders and made its way to India, several health authorities and people in positions of power gave us advice on how we could counter the disease.

The Coronavirus outbreak death toll has reached 361 in China, with three confirmed cases in Kerala.
The Kerala government on Monday declared the novel coronavirus epidemic as a “state calamity” after a third student tested positive for the infection in the state, and assured that all necessary steps to ensure that the outbreak is effectively controlled.
The disease was first identified in Wuhan in China in December. Known for its contagious nature has been rapidly spreading, with several other countries reporting their first confirmed cases. As the disease crossed borders and made its way to India, several health authorities and people in positions of power gave us advice on how we could counter the diseases.
It started with the Ministry of AYUSH, which covers Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa Rigpa and Homoeopathy.
The ministry’s notification, which sparked criticism on social media for spreading “misinformation”, comes with a disclaimer, stating that it does not claim to be treatment guidance for the coronavirus infection.
The ayurveda advice includes drinking "Shadang Paniya (Musta, Parpat, Usheer, Chandan,Udeechya & Nagar) processed water (10 gm powder boiled in 1 litre water, until it reduces to half)", and taking "Agastya Harityaki 5 gm, twice a day with warm water", "Samshamani Vati 500 mg twice a day", "Trikatu (Pippali, Marich & Shunthi) powder 5 gm and Tulasi 3-5 leaves (boiled in 1 litre water, until it reduces to ½ litre…)”, and "Pratimarsa Nasya: Instill two drops of Anu taila/Sesame oil in each nostril daily in the morning."
The Ministry of AYUSH wasn't the only one who found an Ayurveda solution. A doctor of Ayuverda and Siddha from Tamil Nadu, claimed to have found a 'cure' to the virus.

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